Poco a Poco

Poco a Poco is an EYFS learning intervention using targeted music activities to support the language & communication development of children at risk of delay.

Poco a Poco has been developed over 4 years in partnership with Houghton Community Nursery, Valley Road Community Primary School, Highfield Community Primary School and Bernard Gilpin Primary School, with funding support from the National Foundation of Youth Music.

The resulting activities are tried and tested, and have benefited greatly from the input of early years practitioners, and children.  The EYFS framework is embedded throughout Poco activities, and formative assessment shows that targeted intervention using the approach accelerates learning; particularly in the areas of Personal, Social & Emotional Behaviour and Communication & Language.

“One little girl didn’t speak much or interact with any of the other children, but as soon as she’s in the session her face lights up and she’s one of the loudest singing and dancing, she just loves it.  She’s come right out of her shell.”

Rachel Fairclough, Nursery Practitioner, Highfield Community Primary School

Training activities 

We’re holding a number of training events to mark the launch of Poco a Poco.  Delivered by Poco a Poco Creative Director, Bridie Jackson and Project Musician, Joe Johnston, the training will be a fun, explorative and practical session, introducing the Poco approach and activities.

We will also demonstrate the Poco a Poco online resource, which provides detailed activity plans linked directly to the EYFS framework, and the ability to create customised lesson plans.

Previous musical experience/knowledge is not required.  By the end of the session you will have:

– Increased knowledge of how singing contributes communication and language development;
– Understanding of how Poco a Poco activities contribute to Early Learning Goals;
– Practical activities you can transfer directly to your classroom/setting;

The training will take place at various location across England.

 To learn more or book a place your place please contact Louise Taylor on louise.taylor@flo-culture.com or 0797 664 8867


We are proud to have these companies as our supporters and investors.

Creative England European Space Agency Northstar Ventures